Our Services

Adults with Incapacity

If someone close to you has recently lost capacity as a result of illness or accident or alternatively a child who lacks capacity is approaching adulthood, we can provide advice and assist you to make an application to court for a Guardianship Order.  

An Order from court can confer powers on an individual in respect of the Adult’s welfare or finances or indeed both matters. This will ensure the correct legal framework is in place to make decisions on behalf of the individual to safeguard and promote their interests. Applications can be made for sole or joint Guardians to be appointed. We appreciate these can be difficult and upsetting times for family and we strive to deal with matters both efficiently and sensitively. 

We are also able to represent individuals or family members who have been made aware that either an individual or Local Authority are making an application for a Guardianship Order or seeking to extend an existing one and we can assist them to oppose such applications.  

Legal Aid may be available for these services dependent on a financial assessment carried out on the Adult’s finances. Please contact us to discuss matters further. 

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